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Buying a Home in Spokane

June 30, 2020 1:48 pm

Thinking about moving to Spokane? If you are, congrats! Whatever you’re looking for in a neighborhood—good schools, beautiful homes, community events, loads of character, or just plentiful pubs—you can find it in Spokane. Best of all, you’ll spend much less on your house, condo, or apartment than you would in the big cities. And if you haven’t yet decided whether or not to make the big move? Maybe this will help convince you. A Lot for a Little You’ll probably... View Article

Creating a Community at Two Barrels

April 13, 2020 8:09 pm

At Two Barrels, we have a very specific vision in mind of the kind of environment and community we hope to create. So we made up a term to match our vision: “alien-friendly.” What Does it Mean to Be Alien-Friendly? We define “alien-friendly” as accepting everyone regardless of difference. An alien-friendly workplace constantly asks questions about how to eliminate barriers, how to acknowledge and address personal biases, and how to ensure everyone feels they belong. And we’re not just talking... View Article