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December 28, 2023 6:45 pm
Employers often advertise their “generous time off” benefits without ever spelling out what “generous” actually means… or even defining what “time off” actually means. Two weeks is not generous. That’s barely enough time to take care of doctor appointments and life events, let alone take a vacation. Three weeks is pretty decent. We start at four weeks and two days, which we think is a generous starting point for paid time off. And we like to keep the time off... View Article
July 14, 2023 7:56 pm
Over the past few years, Two Barrels has grown by leaps and bounds. As we’ve opened more locations and increased our revenue streams, we’ve been looking for ways to give back to the Spokane community. Since its launch in October 2021, we’ve helped sponsor the Gonzaga Hackathon—an annual social coding event held by the Computer Science Department of GU’s chapters of Women in Computing and Association for Computing Machinery. We also plan to send members of our recruiting team to... View Article
June 21, 2023 1:59 pm
Here’s a familiar scenario: You find a job you like and decide to apply. The first step says to upload your resume. So, you upload your resume. Then, you’re asked to re-enter the same information in a helpful online form. You really want the job, so you grit your teeth and begin cutting and pasting lines from your resume into some wonky form that will inevitably give you error messages. When you get an interview, the recruiter sits with your... View Article
April 24, 2023 7:08 pm
While most of our Two Barrels team works from home (or, as we say, they work from wherever), we have offices all over the country—our main ones being located in Spokane, Austin, and Salt Lake. We have folks who work in the office full-time or as part of a hybrid position—in fact, we have writers, developers, executives, and administrators who live in each of the U.S. time zones. And when any team member comes into our offices, we want them... View Article
July 12, 2022 5:53 pm
At Two Barrels, we’re trying to create the room and freedom for people with all types of skill sets at various stages of their development to USE THEM. What a novelty? The reality is that our company, just like every tech job you’ll get is playing catch up. There’s an endless list of things we need to do. Huge tech companies are always fighting fires and trying to get stuff done that someone else tells them to do. We fight... View Article
April 14, 2022 10:35 pm
Two Barrels is a highly sought-after workplace, and we’re constantly seeking incredible talent. But, we don’t want to read a cover letter that basically repeats everything listed on your resume. Our team actually reads cover letters and considers them an essential part of the hiring process. So, how do you write a cover letter that screams, “Pick me!” louder than everyone else? Your first step is to take the traditional cover letter template and throw it out the window. What... View Article
February 11, 2021 6:45 pm
While Southern fried chicken finds its origins in Scottish and West African cuisine, the fried chicken sandwich is a wholly American invention, and while Spokane isn’t yet a foodie destination, when it comes to fried chicken sandwiches, this town has a bevy of options. Therefore I made it my goal to try as many local fried chicken sandwiches as I could, and hopefully not die from a heart attack in the process. I ordered chicken sandwiches at a total of... View Article
November 23, 2020 7:59 pm
Spokane’s weather can be a little moody– and that’s part of the charm. That being said, the area’s most manic season has to be our five-month winter. But hey, it’s those winter months that we have to thank for our scenic river’s falls and just about everything else of beauty in this ecosystem, so it’s worth putting up with, and then some! If you’re thinking about moving to Spokane for one of our many high-paying tech jobs, there’s a few... View Article
October 22, 2020 9:13 pm
With over twenty breweries and counting, Spokane has quietly arrived as a city to be reckoned with in the world of American craft beer. The Northwest has long been known for its commitment to producing some of the best beer in the world. Beer culture is deeply ingrained in Washington, and Spokane’s growing craft beer scene showcases why American brewing is at the top of its game. No-Li Brewhouse The granddaddy of Spokane’s growing craft beer scene, No-Li has been... View Article
October 22, 2020 4:10 pm
Wondering how you can scratch that travel itch while on a Spokane staycation? The good news is we live in an adventure-rich region. Staycation options are plentiful whether it’s snowing outside or sweltering, whether you’re a hiker or a relaxer or really just need to sit somewhere besides your couch to finish that book you started months ago. We’ve compiled a list of Spokane staycation ideas to help keep you busy even though everything is canceled and borders are closed.... View Article